While I am in the practice of “helping others”, I am often reminded of how the universe works in mysterious ways. While I find myself busy helping other people overcome and transform the things they want to change in their lives, often times I AM THE ONE receiving help in a very powerful & unexpected way. It is a testimonial to living consciously and being aware of the many blessings that are offered on a daily basis, if you simply pay attention
Pearl #1: In life, the joy is in the journey, not the destination.
Think about it for a moment. When setting any particular goal, once you achieve it, did you really take the time to enjoy the process of getting there?
Sometimes we can be guilty of having our nose to the proverbial grindstone and miss all the beauty that surrounds us.
It is there, if we just look up to notice. Then, once the goal has been achieved, we are busy setting yet another one, because the last one did not completely fulfill us like we expected. Sound familiar?
Pearl #2: Everything we need, we ALREADY posses
Ok, I can hear it already….”No, I don’t, that is simply untrue!”.
Well, you see, that is why this is a “pearl” of wisdom being offered to you today because it is the truth! It is not my truth, it is a universal truth.
Once the concept is fully accepted and embraced, life tends to become so much easier. You no longer are swimming upstream and struggling in your life but now flowing comfortably with the current of life’s force.
Now for the REALLY GOOD NEWS!!!
When you live in that space, you have access to your Divine Higher Self and unlimited guidance for having and achieving everything you want in life, be it spiritually, career, money, love/relationships, etc. Living while knowing you have access to all these things can eliminate jealousy, greed, hate, fear, etc., because those things are no longer an issue if you know you already have EVERYTHING YOU NEED. It all begins with meditation. Meditation is the gateway to accessing your Divine Higher Self. We simply don’t give ourselves enough credit. We are all capable of being far more than what we can even imagine ourselves to be. This is how we begin to make this incredible discovery.
After all, what do you really have to lose by this shift in consciousness other than; removing past limiting obstacles, stress, financial stagnation, unfulfilled work/job, fear and uncertainty?
**Recommended Reading for the day: “Conversations With God”, Vol(s) 1,2 & 3-Neale Donald Walsh
It is my hope that you have taken away something valuable from this blog entry today! I wish you nothing but light and love!