Are you looking for a new profession? Do you want to be your own boss? Enroll in our hypnotherapy certification program where we offer private practice training and support as well.
… with the benefits of clinical hypnosis becoming clear … there is no doubt that it is fast becoming a popular career choice for those who want to work in a world where they help others to stop smoking, lose weight, overcome fears and phobias, and more. – Huffington Post
Consider Hypnotherapy as a Career- (See Our Course Catalogue below!!)
- Start your own business-(online or office private practice)
- Be your own boss
- Earn a six-figure income working part-time!
- Help others to heal naturally, improve their lives in a fast, effective way
- Learn a skill set that helps you heal and improve your life
Approved by the reputable American Council of Hypnotist Examiners-ACHE, Florida Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Training Academy and California Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Training Academy offer rolling enrollment, so you can start your certification program anytime!
Both academies offer the following online 500+ hour hypnotherapy 4 level certification programs:
- Fundamental Hypnotherapy Certification
- Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification
- Hypnotic Coach Certification (Transpersonal/Past Life Regression & 100 hr. Life Coach Training)
- Master Hypnotic Coach/Life Coach Dual Certification (Transpersonal/Past Life Regression & 200 hr. Life Coach Training)
Weekend practicals will be held at the location of enrollment per every 100 hours of online instruction training.
Hypnotherapy Certification: Continuing Education Program- (See Our Course Catalogue Below!)
Our Continuing Education program will allow you convenient, online and cutting edge tools to keep your skill set up to date and relevant.
We also offer private practice development and support. If you do not have business experience, that’s OK! We will give you all the tools you need for success. Keli Raymond, Master Hypnotic Coach Instructor has 30+ years of business experience to share with you that enabled her to transition from training to successful private practice.
Your success is our success!
Rolling Enrollment – Classes Available Now!!
Enroll Today & Take Advantage Of Our 15% Discount by Mentioning: HYPNOTHERAPY ROCKS!
Contact Keli, ACHE Hypnotherapy Instructor & Designated Examiner at 1-(800) 632-2113 or email at
Course Catalogue:
CA & FL Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Training Academy
Keli Raymond-Director & Master Hypnotic Coach & Instructor
2024-25 CATALOG
Independent Study
A.C.H.E. Hypnotherapy Certifications:
- Fundamental Hypnotherapy
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Master Hypnotic Coach
Learn the TRANSFORMATIVE skill set called Clinical Hypnotherapy
More and more, hypnotherapy is becoming an accepted therapeutic adjunct to traditional medicine. Hypnotherapy is a legitimate profession and there is enormous gratification in helping others an unique and meaningful way. Whether your interest in this training is for personal reasons of development & self-empowerment, to gain a skill set that transforms your life or others, this course is for you. It is offered remotely and delivered through lecture, live demonstration and supervised “hands on” practice format. All you need is a committed, sincere desire for change or to help others. If you have that, this course is for YOU!
What is A.C.H.E. and why is it important?
A.C.H.E. is an acronym for the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, the reputable governing body for the profession of Hypnotherapy. Our certifications are backed by A.C.H.E. so you can feel confident that your training and certification will be approved in accordance of the highest quality and assurance of A.C.H.E.’s guidelines.
Included With Your Enrollment and Course Completion:
- Manuals for each course
- Online reference support
- Supervised hands-on training
- One-on-one/small group study
- Private practice development training
- Specialized training courses available
- Client referrals upon graduation
Benefits of Attending Ca & FL Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Training Academy
- 80 hours of supervised practical, “hands on” instruction for the 300-hour program of Hypnosis Fundamentals-Level 1 & 2.
- Well trained, experienced instructor
- Affordable tuition, flexible payment plan
- Continuing Education credits for hypnotherapists
- Certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
- Self-paced study
- Convenient online or classroom setting learning options
You Will Learn Comprehensive and Innovative Tools
- How to use hypnosis to transform unwanted and unhealthy habits i.e., smoking, overeating, nail biting, etc.
- How to propel basic motivation into passionate desire for change.
- How to ignite and engage your intuition to facilitate change for yourself or your clients.
- How to write effective script and suggestions for change for your clients.
- How to make hypnosis recordings to reinforce change.
- How to become and empathetic, effective listener in order to be fully present.
- How to open a successful hypnotherapy private practice.
- How to clear your own issues so that you can help others.
- How hypnosis will transform your life.
The CA & FL Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Training Academy is a learning institution dedicated to providing high quality professional training in hypnotherapy and intuitive studies.
The Core Curriculum
Fundamentals of Hypnosis & Neuro Linguistic Programming
Hypnosis Fundamentals Level 1-150 Hours
Pre-requisite: None
- History of Hypnotism
- Understanding the Subconscious Mind/Hypnosis Theory
- Hypnosis Defined
- Uses of Hypnotherapy
- Structuring A Hypnosis Session
- Developing Rapport & Effective Listening
- Mirroring & Matching
- Pacing & Leading
- Conversational Hypnosis
- Pre-Induction Interview/ Releasing Control, Willingness & Submission
- Suggestibility Exercises
- Induction Techniques
- Deepening Techniques
- Depths of Trance/Eye Cues/Trance Signals
- Ideomotor Methods
- Basic NLP
- Anchoring & Trigger Phrases
- Overcoming Resistance
- Intuition
- Reframing
- Secondary Gains
- Codependency & Remaining Neutral
- Stress Reduction
- Fears & Phobias
- Success Programming
- Memory Recall
- Procrastination
- Sports Enhancement
- Increase Income
- Habit Control
- Self Love
- Practical Hours (40)
*Instructional manual included. Additional Textbooks required
Advanced Hypnosis
Hypnosis Fundamentals Level 2-150 hours
Pre-requisite: Hypnosis Fundamentals-Level 1
- Transforming Subconscious Belief Systems
- Parts Therapy & Subpersonalities
- Inner Child
- Gestalt Work
- Rapid Inductions
- Advanced NLP/EFT/EMT
- Future Pacing
- Focusing & Core Transformation
- Weight Loss Protocol
- Smoking Protocol
- Working with Children/Teens
- Law of Attraction
- Creating & Managing Your Own Private Practice
- Advertisement & Marketing Strategies
- Tips & Techniques for Making Recordings for Clients
- Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
- Practical Hours (5)
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Advanced Applied Hypnotherapy-100 Hours
Pre-requisite: Hypnosis Fundamentals-Levels 1 & 2
- Age/Natal Regression
- Affect Bridge
- Analytical Hypnotherapy
- Medical Hypnotherapy
- Breath work
- Management for Depression & Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Hypnosis for Pain Management
- Hypnosis for Childbirth
- Hypnosis for Dentistry
- Healing with Hypnosis
- Integrating Modalities
- Teaching Classes/Workshops
- Presentation Skills
- Product Development
- Practical Hours (45)
*Instructional manual included. Additional Textbooks required.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
Past Life Regression & Life Between Life Exploration- 100 Hours
Pre-requisite: Hypnosis Fundamentals 1 & 2, Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Past/Future & Goal Setting
- Transforming Beyond Stuck Phases-Secondary Gains Revisited
- The Integration Phase
- The Spirit/Soul/Higher Self
- Physical Plane & Spiritual Plane
- Reincarnation
- Theories of Reincarnation; Linear, Transmigration & Oversoul
- Karma
- Truth vs. Illusion
- Traditional Past Life Regression
- Life Between Lives
- Past Life Regression w/ Higher Self & Healing
- Future Progression
- Surrendering and Willingness to ”Let Go”
- Contraindications
- Stages of Spiritual Growth
- Somnambulism
- Practical Hours (50)
*Instructional manual included. Additional Textbooks required.
Master Hypnotic Coach Certification:
Dual Certification of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Life Coach Training
Pre-requisite: Hypnosis Fundamentals 1 & 2, Clinical Hypnotherapy & Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
- Introduction to Life Coaching
- The Confident Coach/Hypnotherapist Mindset
- The Structure of a Life Coach/Hypnotherapy Session
- Information Gathering Stage
- Coaching Models
- Communication Models
- The Transformation Phase
- Cultivating Awareness
- Building Inner Awareness
- Building Inner Resources
- Past/Future & Goal Setting
- Transforming Beyond Stuck Phases-Secondary Gains Revisited
- The Integration Phase
- The Wrap Up a & Homework Phase
- Coaching Skills Review
- Bonus Coaching Models
- Practical Hours (50)
*Instructional manual included. Additional Textbooks required.
Continuing Education for Hypnotherapists, Psychotherapists & Naturopaths…
Mastery Hypnotherapy & Continuing Education Courses
Emotional Freedom Techniques-15 CE Hours for Certified Hypnotherapists
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Hypnosis Fundamentals 1 & 2 or equivalent training from another institution.
This simple, yet effective technique is another tool to have in your toolbox to help your clients eliminate negative, harmful emotional issues or blocks that have prevented them from reaching their goals. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a surprisingly fast and powerful and can be seamlessly integrated in with hypnosis. Learn this powerful technique and experience how easy it is to create immediate and long-lasting change. This is a 2-day course. Day 1: Learn the technique, how and why it works; Day 2: Apply EFT to real life client issues such as weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, fears and phobias. (This course is available online or in a live classroom setting.)
5D Healing Hypnosis w/The Higher Self- 30 CE Hours for Certified Clinical and/or Transpersonal Hypnotherapists
Pre-requisite: Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist training or equivalent from another institution.
This stand-alone hypnosis technique incorporates Past Life Regression and the infinite healing power of one’s Higher Self/Soul. This process taps into the part of the us that still resides with Source/The Divine/God. It is the part that holds all records and information on a current life, past lives as well as future life event possibilities. It connects the client with the part of them that can heal ANYTHING. This experience offers spiritual perspectives that can answer questions regarding issues most pressing in one’s life. It can often answer the “Universal” question most have about what is one’s life purpose. “The mind can heal the body, but the body can never heal the mind”. This process is an opportunity to effect profound physical and emotional healing. It is a longer session to facilitate than a traditional hypnotherapy session, however it is well worth the time investment. You and your client will be glad you did. You will be AMAZED by the results and how FAST your clients TRANSFORM.
Future Progression:-30 CE Hours for Certified Clinical and/or Transpersonal Hypnotherapists
Pre-requisite: Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist training or equivalent from another institution.
This hypnosis technique can be used as a stand alone process or one that can be incorporated into a client’s protocol. It is an unique experience you can offer that significantly expands your professional scope of services. Clients love this process because it is one that unveils an expanded perscpective, offering a glimpse into their future and spiritual insights that reveal tangible opportunities available to them that lie beyond their current circumstance. This process is a view forward giving hope and a newfound sense of self-empowerment that will propel your clients forward with confidence, purpose and direction. Future Progression can also offer accelerated healing for those who are spiritually ready, and more often than not moves the needle in significant ways for clients who have been stuck in situations for long periods of time, freeing them from long-standing blocks that’s held them back from living their best life.
If they can see it, they can be it!
Other Courses Offered:
Psychic Development Coursework:
Intuition Development & Spirituality-Level 1-15 CE Hours
Pre-requisite: An openness and desire toward spiritual enlightenment
We all have psychic abilities. They are divinely given. Some are keenly aware of their psychic gifts while others are not. At the very least, we all can relate to having certain instincts or “knowing’s” at certain times in your life. This is your intuition at work and most times are sporadic at best. “We are all Spirit first, having a human experience.” as we live in our human form, there is still a part of us that resides with “Spirit” that is always trying to communicate with us, but we often don’t know how to listen. This is our Soul or Higher self. An openness to explore this concept is all you need to start upon the wonderful spiritual journey that calls upon you. If you have a yearning for “more” or a greater depth level understanding about yourself; why you came into this lifetime and what your life purpose is, this is a great place to begin to put all those pieces of the puzzle together. This course will offer spiritual concepts to consider that will expand your perceptions about your life as you have always lived it. It will teach you tried and true processes that will open you to expanded states of consciousness to raise your vibrational frequency, connecting you to the Spiritual realm. It is in this state that you can discover your unique intuitive or psychic abilities and begin to call upon then and use them to improve your life and better serve your clients. Uncovering and developing these gifts will allow you set along your truer and authentic path, stepping into your destiny. You will learn the art of meditation, how to read auras, connect with your Spirit Guides/Angels as well as test your psychic abilities with others.
Areas of Concentration:
- Introduction To Auras
- Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Psychic Mediumship
- Medical Intuition
- Energy Work
- Akashic Records
- Channeling
- Tarot
Intuition Development & Spirituality-Level 2- 15 CE Hours
Pre-requisite: Intuition Development & Spirituality-Level 1
This course picks up where level 1 left off and delves into greater intuitive depths. It covers more complex spiritual concepts and practices. You will learn more advanced processes to further uncover and hone the scope of your intuitive gifts. This Level 2 course introduces you to my Psychic Development Tribe Support Group, features you on my Facebook Live platform for collective readings, Psychic Circle Groups and other aspects to further develop your intuitive skill set. Level 2 coursework generally develops your intuitive gifts to a greater confidence level and ease, so you can ultimately access them whenever desired.