As I have been responding to a high volume of requests for intuitive readings this month, I have noticed a common piece of advice that has come through Source/God/Higher Power over and over.
It begins with a reminder that we are all Spirit having a human experience in this life. With that being said, we all have an “inner compass” that is your higher self, tied to Source/God/Higher Power that guides us if we listen.
It is ALWAYS available to you. A simple example of how your Higher Self communicates with you is through your emotions. If you experience sadness, anger, ongoing stress, or any negative emotion for that matter, it is a sign that whatever the situation is that elicits this particular emotion is inconsistent with who you authentically are and that whatever that particular situation is, it needs to be re-evaluated.
You have to “Do You” in this life and not what others tell you what you SHOULD do. Be true to yourself to truly experience joy, fulfillment and to reach your greatest potential in life.
Do you need help being true to yourself? Check out our psychic services and how we can help you to use the law of attraction to experience joy and fulfillment again!